Thursday, 19 November 2015

Update & working guilt

Blogging has had to take a back step for me over the past few months as I went back to work! Ive had so many mixed emotions about returning to work as I've not worked since having munchkin!

I knew I needed to get a job as Hubs had started a new job in a new line of work and started as an apprentice so it ment in the short run that he would be on a basic wage until they increase it a few months in.
Munchkin was going full time in school so now was the right time for me. I only work part time (22hr) and I find that it is the right balance for me because I cant take munchkin to school then go back home, do some cleaning, washing and prep dinner then go to work. I finish work just after his school finish time so he goes to an after school club until I pick him up.
I was so lucky to find a job which gives me the same school holidays off so i don't have to worry about finding childcare within school holidays.
For the first month I had loads of feelings of guilt about him being at school for so long and not being able to pick him up at the school gates each day with everyone else. As time went on I realised that he actually loved after school club and me working allows us to still have nice holidays etc.

Ive been working now a few months and I'm loving it! 
I don't have many family members who live close to me so to be like 'Mum, can you collect from school today' is not an option for me.
Going back to work is bringing a little bit of confidence back for me and I'm enjoying the social interaction.
I have so so so much coming up on the blog within the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled!!
speak soon!

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