Thursday, 11 August 2016

Charity shop haul! bargin buys!

Long time no blog! I know, I know! Life has just got a bit busy and I've been doing overtime in work too!
When I was younger I used to be puzzled as to why my mum never really seemed to by many clothes for herself, She would wear the same 'comfy' shoes and probably only had a handful of trousers and a dozen tops. Since losing her and becoming a mum myself I have literally turned into my mum!
My husband constantly says 'Babe why don't you go and get yourself some more clothes?' because he knows how much I say 'I haven't got anything to wear'. When I say this I'm not even over exaggerating! I literally had about 2-3 pair of jeans, 7 tops, 3 jumpers, gym outfit and my work clothes. I hate paying a lot for clothes and I would much rather buy munchkin or Hubby some clothes.

I got to watching youtube about bootsale pick ups and noticed how lots of people manage to pick up some good items of clothing from charity shops so I decided that I would pop into the charity shops in my town as there are 6 of them. I managed to pick up a pair of ladies jeans from next in amazing condition that were just £2.50 and a pair of white linen trousers for £2. I got home and loved these two items and I didn't feel guilty for buying them what so ever.
I proudly showed my hubby my purchases and he smiled and said well at least we are halfway to you buying yourself clothing.

Over the past week I popped into a few of the charity shops and thought I would do a little haul to show you what I bought! 

 There are a few of the charity shops that do charge a fair bit for their clothing items and then on the other hand there is another charity shop where all trousers/jeans are buy one get one free! and all

of the tops are 99p. Bargin!!

The Jeans on the right have little rips in them and don't look like they have been work very much if at all! They were £2.

The navy shorts I picked up because I like a slightly longer length short and with the warm weather promised I wanted to have some for that and for holidays.

The jeans on the left are skinny jeans from TU which I believe is Sainsburys?? again other than being a little creased they look like have hardly been worn.
I got these jeans and the shorts for 99p as they were buy one get one free!

The pink top I loved because I think its quite flattering and its longer in the back too. Its a fort chiffon type fabric. It a size bigger than what I needed but seen as I'm bigger up top I thought it would be fine. This top cost £3 

A few days ago I also picked up a blazer which I'm completely in love with! I saw this in the shops when it was full price and never picked it up because I couldn't justify paying that price so when I saw it in the charity shop for £1.99 I knew I just had to get it!

Jeans (rips) - £2
Jeans (skinny) - £1
Shorts - FREE
Top - £3
Blazer - £1.99

Total £7.99

Total bargin!!! Are you a charity shop fan? let me know your best buys!
Give charity shops a go! you can get some fab finds!!


  1. I love a good charity shop haul and you managed to get some really fantastic finds!!!

    Laura x

  2. Ooh, you did well! Some lovely things there. I always seem to struggle to find things that fit me but I have an auntie who has an amazing talent at finding the most gorgeous things in charity shops. x
