
Sunday 26 April 2015

Are you fabulous?!? #fabme3

This morning I thought I would play a youtube video to listen to while doing my make up. I started looking at parent blogger videos and saw one titled something like 'Im fabulous because...' The video was clips of Mummy bloggers saying why they were amazing. Some said they were amazing because they are fab mums or brill cooks etc. It was all lovely to hear but one thing that stood out to me was how most of the Mums found it extremely hard to say what they were fabulous at and it occurred to me that if someone said to me 'right!...stand there and tell me why you are fabulous!' I would honestly feel so uncomfortable and wouldn't be able to answer. The first words out of my moth as a reply would be 'im not Fabulous!'

After the video had ended I kept thinking about it and why its so difficult for some people to say why they are Fabulous. Low self esteem? Possibly!
While doing my hair I got to thinking about my handsome little Boy. I'm trying to be the best mum I can be while teaching him all the important things in life.....manners, rules, confidence....yep confidence! we all want our children to be confident right?!?! So I thought about a few years time, if a teacher asked him to stand up in front of his class and say why hes fabulous! what if he just stood there and clammed up and couldn't even think of anything! This would make me feel sad and that id failed in making him the confident little man he should be!
Iam always telling him how smart he is and praising him for his manors and nice actions towards people. What if he stood in front of me and asked me 'Mummy what makes you so fabulous?' what would I do?? There is no way i could sit there and say oohhh I'm not fabulous hunny! there is nothing special about your Mummy!. What would that teach him!

So my aim of this post was to find at least 3 things that I'm fabulous at OR make me Fabulous! No matter how long it takes me! So here goes!

1) I'm a fabulous Mum  (I think more of us need to start believing in ourselves as parents)
2) I'm fabulous at creative projects e.g painting, crafting etc
3) I'm fabulous because I'm spontaneous and like to take my family on surprise days out.

My Challenge to you all is to come up with 3 things that you are fabulous at OR make you Fabulous! This isn't just for Parent bloggers! Its for everyone! We all need to be more confident in ourselves and what makes us special! comment below with yours or tweet me on twitter with yours! #mummymessandmagic  #fabme3

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Just vows OR more!

This week we had our appointment with the registrar who is going to marry us. We were told it would be about a 1 hour appointment which made me a little on edge as we had to take Munchkin with us. In the run up so many thoughts began floating around in my head.....what if hes tired and grumpy and cries through the whole thing or tries to run around the office like a looney! discussing vows and entertaining a 3 year old on a hot day for an hour!! I'm getting the sweats just thinking about it!
But Munchkin slept in the car on the way down. Tick!! that was the tiredness sorted! we arrived early so decided to go for a walk around town to bide our time! A gentleman came out of a shop and gave munchkin 2 huge punch balloons for free.....awwww lovely! (except when you are going to be shut in a small office on a hot day with a bored 3 year old and 2 huge punch balloons!)
We had also taken along Munchkins huge mini that opens out as a track with tiny cars inside hoping that this would be enough to keep him entertained.
We went into our appointment like we were moving in! I have no idea what the poor registrar thought about us! I quickly ushered the balloons under one of the desks and opened up Munchkins mini.....and......relax!

The meeting went well and the lady was so lovely! We went through some questions etc and she explained that there are some vows that have to be said by law and some that are more like promises that aren't compulsory. She gave us 5 to choose from in each section (3 sections) and we had to read them and choose which ones we wanted. My eyes were looking at the pages but nothing was going in! except Oh munchkin is quiet.....whats he up to!!, slightly awkward that we have to read and choose now!, Is Andy really reading them or is he doing exactly as i am. 
It was then followed by me thinking SHIT I have to read and choose one! So I turn to Andy and say 'ooooo they are all good.....what do you think babe?' to which he gives a number! brill yep we will go with that!
The registrar then took our choices along with the legal bit and read it all out. It sounded lovely and I even got quite teary.
The registrar then told us how things would go on the day to which munchkin had taken Daddies phone and was sat at the desk the same side as the registrar telling her about Angry birds!! Fair play she was amazing with him and engaged with him.

I read the chosen vows on the way home and the closer we got to home the more it began to feel not right.....our appointment only took 30 mins and we had just ticked boxes that id not even read.
When we got home I had a good read through all of the other options and as lovely as they were I found myself caring so much more about our vows than I thought I would. It then became more than the necessary part in order to get the marriage certificate. I wanted something more.....something more personal!
I explained the way I felt to Andy and he was shocked at how much it had bugged me and agreed that we would make our vows more personal. So today we discussed what was important within out relationship etc So we are working on them as we speak!
I think the reason it started to bug me was a few days ago we found out that a friend of ours had an affair and had planned to leave his wife to be with this other woman but at the last minute he changed his mind but his wife found out. They have been married a while and have 3 children together one of which is a baby under 1. My heart went out to her and I couldn't get it out of my mind! They had stood together and taken vows only a couple of years ago and still he had done this! So I began to realise at first vows may seem a minor yet essential part of your wedding day but in times of trouble you may well look to these vows! So Take the time to make sure your vows say exactly what you want them too.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Childrens Dragonfly Craft

Anyone who knows me knows that I love doing anything crafty and creative so id be lying if I said I wasn't a little excited every time munchkin gets home work as it gives me the extra excuse to get all of the craft box out! Although I have to remind myself that Munchkins homework has to be done by him with a little help from me and that  its not important that its perfect!
He had a letter from school saying they were doing a topic about bugs so they had to make a bug/insect to display on the board in school.
I went through every bug I could think of....spider, snail, ladybird, fly etc....much to my delight he choose Dragonfly! Dragonflies have a very special meaning to me so there are alot of dragonfly decor around our home and in my office! Last summer once a week we would go to this small pond by a picnic area local to us and we would enjoy watching the dragonflies darting around for ages.
Anyways enough of my babble here is how it went & how it turned out!

Here is what I used
  • wooden spoon
  • Paint brushes
  • Paint (doesn't have to be acrylic)
  • wings cut out of card
  • Foil paper (blue & silver)
  • Table craft cloth
  • PVA Glue (forgot to take a pic of this)

First of all we started by painting the wooden spoon in green (obviously you can choose any colours)

Once we finished painting it all we set it aside to dry

We then moved on to the wings. I put PVA glue all over the wings and let munchkin stick on the little squares that id cut up. (try not to cut the squared so small otherwise children will get bored as it will take forever)

Once majority of the wings had been covered I trimmed the pieces that were overlapping the edges.

I forgot to take a picture but I painted the underside of muchkins index finger and got him to wrap that finger around the stick, creating the stripes in blue.

Munchkin nagged to add more sparkle on the dragonflies wings so I asked him to go through the tub of jewels and remove some of the green and blue ones (colour recognition an all :-) He then stuck these on the wings, Did a little bit of finger painting on the head of the dragonfly and popped on some googly eyes.

I decided to use the glue gun to glue the wings on as my PVA doesn't seem very good.
Does anyone know if PVA glue can go off???

So there we are! he has his bug to take into school on Monday morning! 

Friday 10 April 2015

50 Things that make me smile!

50 things that make me smile!

After my last blog post about why i'd been away from blogging for a while I thought I would do this happy post!
Here are 50 things that make me smile.

  1. My little family
  2. Cuddles
  3. Sunshine
  4. Dragonflies
  5. Friends
  6. Music
  7. Tidy house
  8. Picnics
  9. Pizza
  10. Going to the beach
  11. Notebooks/ Diary's
  12. Colouring
  13. Disney World
  14. Piglets
  15. Candles
  16. Running
  17. Ice Cream
  18. Clean bedding
  19. Butlins
  20. Amazing Views
  21. Long walks in Autumn 
  22. Hearing my little boy Laughing
  23. Photos
  24. Crisps
  25. The smell of fresh cut grass
  26. Penny arcade
  27. Baking cakes
  28. Wide open spaces
  29. Fresh flowers
  30. Funny quotes on pintrest
  31. Memories
  32. Caravan holidays
  33. Sarah Millican (comedian)
  34. Playdoh
  35. Tiger bread
  36. Frankie & Benny's
  37. Family days out
  38. hot bubble baths
  39. Putting an over sided hoodie on
  40. Writing down all of my thoughts & feelings
  41. Hearing 'mummy...I love you'
  42. Happy people
  43. Old couples holding hands
  44. Being around animals
  45. Aldi 
  46. Dancing around the kitchen with Munchkin!
  47. Candy floss
  48. Usless facts
  49. Christmas Morning
  50. Fish & chips